Monday, September 5, 2011

Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project

Title: Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project
Platform Played On: Xbox 360
Release Date: June 23, 2010
Date Played: June2010
Time Played:  2 hours
Completed (Y/N): No
Score: 1/5


This game was originally released in 2002 on PC, and oh god, who on Earth allowed this (as Duke would say) "Piece of Crap" to come out in 2002, and especially now in 2010? This is one of the worst games I have ever played, and was not worth whatever time it took for the poor programmer to port it to the 360.

Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project
Alright, let me take a step back for a minute. I have to admit that I have never played the original two Duke games, and my first and only experience with Duke was Duke 3D, which at the time (and even still) is a solid first person shooter.

Now that I established that lets get back to Manhattan Project. In essence this game is a terribly looking (perhaps decently looking for the time) sidescrolling platformer.  A sidescrolling gameplay is something that Duke does not need to go back to. Albeit its a throwback to the roots; however I have never heard anyone praising the original Duke games, and even then, judging by screenshots they look more interesting than the Manhattan Project.

Each stage boils down to literally pressing in the right direction, until you find a key to open the door at the end of the level. And after doing that for about 2 hours I dont know if I will ever come back to this game again. It is an utterly boring and embarrassing outing for Duke Nukem, he should be ashamed of himself.

I would not recommend this game to anyone, even the hardest core (lol?) of the hardcore Duke Nukem fans out there.
Duke Nukem I (1991)

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