Monday, June 18, 2012

Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo HD Remix

Title: Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo HD Remix
Platform Played On:
 Xbox 360
Release Date:
 August 29, 2007
Date Played:
 June 2012
Time Played:
 1 hour
Completed (Y/N):


Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo HD Remix is a Street Fighter themed spin on the game of Tetris.

SPF2THDR... I just wanted to acronymize that thing...  anyways, this game has very little to do with Street Fighter. It does feature weird kid versions of the Street Fighter characters, but they do very little aside from standing there. They do an occasional move or two (tied in with awesomeness of your moves) but quite frankly I was pretty disappointed with how little Street Fighter there is in this seemingly marketed as a Street Fighter game.

Right off the bat, if you have never played a Super Puzzle Fighter (like myself) it is very hard to understand the mechanics of the game. There is no tutorial or any sort of explanation as to what the difference between the characters is or how exactly the game mechanics are set up. I basically had to figure it out via trial and error, which was not the most pleasant experience.

The basic mechanics are as follows. You drop color blocks (always set of 2), then occasionally you get glowing ball blocks. When you touch the ball to the blocks of the same color it will blow up all of the touching blocks (like a snake), and then depending on how bad ass your explosion is it will cause blocks to get dropped on top of your opponent's screen (to screw them up). Sometimes you get blocks that will remove all of one color, but that basically is the gist of it.

Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo HD Remix, has a needlessly long name, and very little variety. After playing a few rounds (10-20minutes) you basically get to see everything there is to see. But to be fair this is not the type of game with variety (although other puzzle games like Peggle and Puzzle Bobble do tend to keep you interested with new and interesting things). Yes Tetris doesnt have much variety either, but lets not forget that Tetris comes from a completely different era of gaming with completely different expectations and technological capabilities.

I would only play SPF2THDR for the Tetrisnesness of it. If you are looking for more Street Fighter, you will not find it here. This is a decent 15 minute distraction, or a quick party game break. But I dont see anyone enjoying playing this for hours, especially by yourself.

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