Sunday, October 16, 2011


Title: Dirt
Platform Played On: Xbox 360
Release Date: June 19 2007
Date Played: August 2010
Time Played: 12 hours
Completed (Y/N): Yes
Score: 3/5


I am not a big racing game fan, I much rather go play an RPG or a shooter. But when I do allow myself to pick up a racer I tend to gravitate towards rally or extremely arcady  racing  (i.e. Burnout). To put it simply, I absolutely can not stand loop tracks.

One mistake I made was playing Dirt after playing Dirt 2. The sequel improved on so many things that while driving a Mitsubishi Evo (my car of choice) in Dirt 1 I kept wishing for Dirt 3.

Overall it is an enjoyable rally racer with 46 cars and a ton of customization. The AI is not incredibly tough, as it is not very hard to come in 1st in every race.

It is very apparent that 90% of the development focus was spent on the cars. They look great and control great. However the rest of the game suffered a little bit.

The levels generally look very similar to each other and are almost all extremely yellowish/brown with very little scenery variety. So even though there is a decent amount of tracks you end up feeling like you are driving on the same 3 tracks over and over again. Which gets fairly boring after a few dozen races.

Colin McRae: Dirt paved the way for a much improved Dirt 2 so for anyone interested in rally and/or off-road racing, I would just go straight to Dirt 2.

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