Saturday, September 3, 2011

Viking: Battle For Asgard

Title: Viking: Battle For Asgard
Platform Played On: Xbox 360
Release Date: March 25, 2008
Date Played: Spring 2009
Time Played:
8 hours
Completed (Y/N): Yes
Score: 4/5

Wow, simply wow, this game turned out to be the complete opposite of what I was expecting. When I put the disc in, I was expecting a poor performing, bland looking, and boring game. What I got was a completely different experience. I guess I should have given the developers more credit, after all they are responsible for the Total War franchise.

Viking, is an extremely enjoyable and exhilarating adventure full of lush views, gnarly dismemberment, and epic battles.  The story line keeps it all together in a nice package.

The game features amazing battles, where there is nothing but soldiers and carnage all the way to the horizon. While not in ginormous battles you explore the world, and cleanse the world from your enemies.  You can sneak up and unsuspecting enemies and slice them in half at the torso, which feels very satisfying. 

Viking is an adventure hack and slash game with elements of stealth (optional).  While exploring the open world you will come across lush plains, snowy peaks and rocky canyons. Fire effects and bloody dismemberment are impressive as well. 

The game controls and plays great, framerate is solid, animations are well done, and graphics are great.

The only reason I feel that its a 4/5 is that when boiled down the tasks although satisfying, are repetitive after a while (similar to that of Assassin's Creed I). Other than that, the game is solid.

I hope to someday see a sequel to Viking. And in the meantime I recommend this game to anyone looking for a great hack and slash adventure.

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