Saturday, September 3, 2011

Shadow Complex

Title: Shadow Complex
Platform Played On: Xbox 360
Release Date: August 19, 2009
Date Played: August 2009
Time Played: 7 hours
Completed (Y/N): Yes
Score: 5/5


Metroidvania, oh how we love thee. By we I mean the gamers. However this is one of those genres that not a lot of games tackle well (similarly to RTS and Diablo clones).

In essence Shadow Complex takes every Metroid mechanic and renders it in a beautiful 3d using the Unreal Engine.
(Boss Fight)
Shadow Complex Left, Metroid Right
The game looks and plays great, I ended up beating it in a few sessions. The principle is the same as any Metroid game, explore, find new gadgets, and backtrack to open the doors you couldn't open before.

Even though Shadow Complex is basically a reskinned version of Metroid, it is receiving a 5/5. It does not re-invent the wheel, instead it nails every aspect of the said wheel. In the end it is a solid and enjoyable experience. Which may I add is despite a convoluted story with a twist, which totally sets everything up for a sequel.

Now its been 2 years, where the heck is Shadow Complex 2?

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