Friday, December 30, 2011

LA Noire

Title: LA Noire
Platform Played On: 
 Xbox 360
Release Date: 
 May 17, 2011
Date Played: 
 May - July 2011
Time Played: 
 20 hours
Completed (Y/N): 


Just like everyone else I thought that I was getting myself into a 1940's Grand Thief Auto; however LA Noire turned out to be a completely different experience.

New Technology Used For Facial Animation
LA Noire is unique in many ways. The most notable of which is the use of a brand new, sophisticated motion capture technique, which allows the in-game characters to have the most realistic facial animations in video games to date. It is something no one has done before, it allows the characters to display emotions and tells with subtle facial expressions. A technology that goes hand in hand with a crime drama that LA Noire is.

The entire game is broken up into cases, which Cole Phelps (you) is trying to solve.  They range from missing persons to murders to arson, basically covering all of the investigative basis.  And investigating is what you do in this game. After almost every conversation you are presented with three options, you have to decide if the interviewee is telling the truth, is lying or you are not sure but doubt his story (in which case you need to present evidence of the lie). Normally you would judge a character by what they say, but in LA Noire you are given detailed facial animations and character behavior as a tool in making your investigative decision.  These mechanics make you feel like a real detective in a 1940's crime drama film.

Almost everything in LA Noire is done very well, the characters are memorable and life-like. The graphics and real life 1940's Los Angeles layout give the game a great look and feel.  The cases vary a lot and you are never bored or feel like you are going through the paces.  LA Noire has a good momentum from case to case, as well as the overarching plot that keeps you engaged throughout the story.

When boiled down, LA Noire is a multi million dollar adventure game. However it is arguably the best adventure game ever made.  From its brand new and shockingly good facial animation system, to rich characters and accurately depicted 1940's Los Angeles with dozens of landmarks that are still there today LA Noire is a unique and fun adventure.  It plays like a movie, and would be fun to non-gamers and gamers alike. We may never get anything like it again; therefore LA Noire is a must have experience.

Scanning In The Actors

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