Monday, October 1, 2012

Rock Band

Title: Rock Band
Platform Played On: Xbox 360

Release Date: November 20, 2007

Date Played: Fall 2007-2011

Time Played: 100+ hours

Completed (Y/N): Yes

Score: 5/5


Guitar Hero shook the gaming world. It wasnt the first rhythm game to hit the market, but prior to it's release rhythm games were a niche subculture of gaming (think DDR). Rock Band took what Guitar Hero did and ran with it.

While Guitar Hero allowed you to shred on the guitar to some of the best rock songs ever writeen, Rock Band introduced a whole rock band (pun intended) array of instruments into the mix. Now you can play drums, bass, guitar or sing, or even have a couple of friends come over and rock out for several hours as a full ensemble.

While most rhythm games before it were played by yourself, or with a few onlookers Rock Band made the rhythm genre a must have attraction for any college (or otherwise) party. It is the perfect game to play in such situations because not only could a bunch of people enjoy it together, the rest of the crowd could rock out to the tunes being played.

Overall Rock Band is a pretty amazing experience, aside from playing the real instruments and being a part of a real band this is probably as close as you can get, and with the game to game import feature and an online store with thousands of tracks you will never run out of fresh stuff to play. If you drink just enough, you will feel like a true rock star. Rock Band (any one of them) is a must in every gamer's collection.

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