Monday, May 7, 2012


Title: Labyrinth
Platform Played On: iOS
Release Date:
 July 1, 2008
Date Played:
Summer 2008
Time Played: 2 hours
Completed (Y/N):


Labyrinth was one of the first iOS games I have ever played. It was the summer of 2008 and I have just traded in my Windows Phone "Tilt" for a brand spanking new iPhone 3G.

I dont know about you, but I loved these wooden, glass covered puzzlers in real (material) world when I was a kid. The problem with those however is the lack of variety. There is a finite number of times that you can traverse the ball through the same maze before getting bored with it and putting it back on the shelf, to rediscover it a few years later and spend another 10 minutes with it. Labyrinth on iOS solves that problem by offering several dozen tables varying in difficulty from simple to ridiculous.

I dont know if you remember, but gyroscopes in phones was kind of a novel thing back in 2008. So it was actually pretty amazing to watch the physics simulation play out on your phone as you tilted the screen. 

Labyrinth on iOS was a pretty cool technical show off. It did exactly what it set out to do, and behaved exactly like its real life counterpart. The problem is that it did that and nothing more. There were no new twists or flashy animations that the $600 phone allowed it to do. In a nutshell it is just a ball physics simulator, and no matter how cool it seemed at the time you got bored with it almost as fast as with the real life glass encased wooden box labyrinth. It was cool in 2008, when the iOS store was a barren place, but now with nearly a million apps you ought to find something much better to show off iPhone's capabilities. But hey, if you truly want to roll a ball into a hole, perhaps take a look at more recent apps, such as Labyrinth 2.

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