Title: Dirt 2
Platform Played On: PC
Release Date: December 1, 2009
Date Played: July 2010
Time Played: 10 hours
Completed (Y/N): Yes
Score: 5/5
Dirt 2 took everything established by its predecessor Dirt 1(2007) and polished the hell out of it. This is one of the most gorgeous racing games I have ever played, and I guess it has to be that way to stay on par with Forza, Need For Speed and Gran Turismo franchises.
The first game had flaws, and every single one of them was addressed in this iteration. First of, the tracks were clearly a big focus of the development process. There is a wide variety of tracks from lush mountainous forests to beach resorts and Death Valley tracks, each with interesting and intricate details in the background. Not only is it fun to race it is sometimes hard to keep your eyes on the road, because you want to see all the cool stuff that is going on off in the distance. Speaking of the tracks, even though there are quite a lot of loop tracks, they manage to stay interesting as they feature natural terrain obstacles like water, dirt, and ramps, and as soon as you start getting bored of one area, the game takes you to a completely different environment.
Dirt 2 is a perfect rally racer in every regard, from its great selection of incredibly detailed cars to extremely good looking environments and fun tracks. I would recommend Dirt 2 to racing fans and even those that aren't into racing games. It doesn't matter what your gaming background is like... Making a sharp turn with a realistic car with dirt particles flying everywhere is an exhilaration experience. This is a great game that is definitely worth checking out.
The Game Looks Incredible |